
A Journey to Europe in 1990 A.D.
Explore their lifestyle and beauty
iLab科文館於2021年1月20舉行「百年歐遊記」專題展覽,是次展覽本館特別邀請了古玩收藏家Gratiano Wong合辦,為大家展示多件歐洲古物,小至香水、碟子、擺件,大至留聲機、立體機等,各式各樣的百多年前人們生活中不可或缺的用品以及稀奇好玩的消閒娛樂物件。
‘A Journey to Europe in 1990 A.D.’ exhibition is open to public from January 20 to March 31 2021. This exhibition is in collaboration with antique collector Gratiano Wong. This takes audiences to go on a journey through 100 years to gain a deeper understanding of European’s lifestyle and sense of beauty.
Old perfumes, comics, newspapers and high end entertainment gadgets like gramophones, stereoscopes and cameras are showcased in this exhibition. In this journey, we will guide you and tell you about their stories behind. Visitors are encouraged to touch, experience and interact with these precious antiques !
We wish everyone would gain a whole new level of exhibition experience from us.
入場收費:每位HK$30 (逢星期四免費參觀)
Date : Ended
(Reservation required)
Fee : $30 ( Free on Thursday )
Reservation : Ended
Address : 3A, McDonald’s Building, 46 Yee Wo st.