關於我們 About Us
iLab 科文館 香港綜合教育中心
iLab 是一個全方位,以科學教育為重,創新、多元化及專業的教育平台。由一群具備豐富專業科學知識的團隊創立,希望透過各種創新課程及活動,將科學、知識、思想和技術廣泛地推廣普及社會,提高大眾對科學與創意科技的認識和興趣。
iLab 提供各種創新多元化科學教育課程及活動,團隊致力為兒童及青年發展,以至就業向上流動提供最好的全新體驗,豐富知識 ,將科學帶入您的生活、學習、玩樂及工作環境,一起探索、發掘和感受生活之中科學的奧秘。
We believe in integrating science and creative technology into our daily lives. By increasing our daily exposure to science, we can then promote innovative thinking and unlock endless possibilities as a society.
i-Lab is a full spectrum, science centric and innovative learning platform. Founded by a team of professionals and amassing a wealth of scientific knowledge across disciplines, we strive to promote public interest and raise scientific awareness through our range of offerings .
We offer a variety of innovative and diversified science oriented courses for all age groups. We sow seeds of curiosity in children, we then cultivate that curiosity into solid scientific knowledge as they grow. We also offer practical and certified courses for adults who wish to shine among their peers. For school or for work, we believe learning and development is a life long process. We are committed in bringing true science to every step along life stages.
「百年歐遊記 2.0」專題展覽
「百年歐遊記 2」 加入全新元素,展覽日期加開至6月尾。
iLab科文館於2021年1月20舉行「百年歐遊記」專題展覽,是次展覽本館特別邀請了古玩收藏家Gratiano Wong合辦,為大家展示多件歐洲古物,小至香水、碟子、擺件,大至留聲機、立體機等,各式各樣的百多年前人們生活中不可或缺的用品以及稀奇好玩的消閒娛樂物件… Continue Reading
蝴蝶標本展翅體驗工作坊Butterfly Specimen Workshop
蝴蝶標本展翅體驗工作坊內容包括蝴蝶及標本文化基本認識,製作蝴蝶標本展翅教學等,讓大家親身感受蝴蝶翅膀的奧秘。藉著此次工作坊讓大家深入了解對標本製作過程,推動本地標本文化,同時學習更多有關蝴蝶的生活習性及小知識,提高蝴蝶保育教育… Continue Reading
課程上陳詠謙會分享他在歌詞創作上的技巧及心得… Continue Reading